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Logistics is an important service sector in the overall structure of the national economy, playing a role in supporting, connecting, and promoting socio-economic development for the entire country in general, as well as specifically for Hanoi. Therefore, to foster the development of the logistics industry, experts believe that it's necessary to strengthen and enhance the connectivity within the industry.


Tăng cường hơn nữa mối liên kết ngành logistics  - Ảnh 1.


Recently, at the seminar "Logistics Promoting Industry Linkage and Enhancing Value Chain" organized by the Hanoi Department of Industry and Trade in collaboration with the Hanoi Logistics Association (HLNA), Mr. Tran Thanh Hai, Deputy Director of the Import and Export Department (Ministry of Industry and Trade), stated that if the economy is likened to an engine, logistics can be seen as the lubricant that ensures the smooth operation of the engine, achieving maximum efficiency with minimal fuel consumption and high durability. The economy can only develop in a synchronized and harmonious manner when the logistics chain operates continuously.

As a result, the role of logistics is increasingly highlighted in the national economy, becoming a supportive factor for the flow of economic transactions, as well as a crucial activity for various types of goods and services.

Despite the achievements, the logistics industry still faces some limitations, such as not fully exploiting the economic advantages and corresponding potential of the region; logistics infrastructure connecting with commercial and information technology infrastructure both domestically and regionally is not yet comprehensive. Service costs are high, and the quality of some services is not optimal.

Mr. Hai believes that there is a lack of large enterprises domestically that can set trends, create waves, and guide the development of the domestic logistics service, much like the lubricant for the global economy.

Additionally, one of the limiting factors in logistics development is the lack of connectivity among supply chain parties and related industry stakeholders, as indicated by the relatively low rate of outsourcing logistics services in Vietnam compared to other developed countries.

Strengthening Digital Transformation in the Logistics Industry

According to Mr. Nguyen Cong Cuong, Vice Chairman of the Hanoi Association of Main Industrial Product Manufacturers (HAMI), the lack of synchronization in the transportation system leads to disruptions and wastage of time during the transportation process. Issues like traffic congestion, insufficient infrastructure, unclear legal regulations, and inadequate management contribute to increased time and cost in transporting goods.

As an enterprise engaged in industrial production, Mr. Cuong assesses that port and road infrastructure play a significant role in handling goods and transportation. However, the lack of investment and maintenance in this infrastructure can cause limitations and delays in the logistics process. Upgrading and improving this infrastructure will require substantial investment and impact logistics costs.

In the upcoming period, to promote the development of the logistics service sector, active efforts will be made to enhance various aspects including refining mechanisms, policies, and business environment; improving logistics infrastructure; strengthening digital transformation and information technology application; developing human resources; and consolidating and enhancing linkages within the industry.

Specifically, there is a need to strengthen regional economic linkages, including inter-regional and intra-regional connections in establishing the logistics system; enhance collaboration between management agencies, ministries, sectors, and localities in building and implementing logistics activity mechanisms and supportive policies; strengthen cooperation and connections between state management agencies and businesses through intermediary associations.

Logistics is an important service sector in the overall structure of the national economy, playing a role in supporting, connecting, and promoting socio-economic development for the entire country in general, as well as specifically for Hanoi. Therefore, to foster the development of the logistics industry, experts believe that it's necessary to strengthen and enhance the connectivity within the industry.


Cre: Government News


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