Welcom to Apt International Co.,ltd - Vietnam Freight Forwarder

Once the customers select shipping mode by air, we understand that shipping time is the most important factor due to urgent shipments.
But beside shipping time factor, we always consider how to arrange air freight in the fastest and cheapest way for customers. We always try our best to handle your shipments in the fastest, the most accurate, and the safest way.

We are valued partners of airline booking agents such as VN, KE, OZ, SQ, CX, HX, CI, QR, TK , EY, NH, TG... We understand which airlines are the most suitable for our customers depending on specific destinations.

We accept to transport all special types of goods.

Perishable cargo, frozen seafoods, shrimp, crab by air freight 
Fresh vegetable export to China, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Japan...
Fresh flowers export to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Dubai...
Transport dangerous goods, flamable goods, oversize, overweight...


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