Welcom to Apt International Co.,ltd - Vietnam Freight Forwarder

Free Carrier (FCA)

Can be used for any transport mode, or where there is more than one transport mode.
A very flexible rule that is suitable for all situations where the buyer arranges the main carriage



For example:

  • Seller arranges pre-carriage from seller’s depot to the named place, which can be a terminal or transport hub, forwarder’s warehouse etc. Delivery and transfer of risk takes place when the truck or other vehicle arrives at this place, ready for unloading – in other words, the carrier is responsible for unloading the goods. (If there is more than one carrier, then risk transfers on delivery to the first carrier.)
  • Where the named place is the seller’s premises, then the seller is responsible for loading the goods onto the truck etc. NB this is an important difference from Ex Works EXW

In all cases, the seller is responsible for export clearance; the buyer assumes all risks and costs after the goods have been delivered at the named place.

FCA is the rule of choice for containerised goods where the buyer arranges for the main carriage.

Sources : incoterm Explain

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