Welcom to Apt International Co.,ltd - Vietnam Freight Forwarder

Vietnam holds a significant position within the global Logistics Passport network.

(Chinhphu.vn) - The Director of Hubs and Global Partnerships of the World Logistics Passport (WLP) initiative has assessed that due to its strategic position as a regional hub for transit...

Opportunity for Vietnam to become an attractive destination for logistics activities in the region

The push for market growth in the logistics sector is seen as a significant contributor to Vietnam's total import-export turnover, enhancing competitiveness for businesses.

Major logistics giants are actively investing in infrastructure in Vietnam, Malaysia, and India.

Vietstock -The world's largest transportation and logistics corporations are actively seeking to acquire facilities in Asia, particularly in Vietnam, Malaysia, and India. Their aim...

Emphasizing the Quality of Workforce Training in the Logistics Industry

(In Chinhphu.vn) - In order to meet the demands of the logistics industry's development, alongside infrastructure adaptation to sustainable and green development trends, the workforce...

Logistics is the lifeblood of international trade - World Trade

Logistics is the lifeblood of international trade, and conversely, trade is a powerful driver of economic growth and poverty reduction, according to representatives from the World ...

Strengthening further the connectivity within the logistics industry

Logistics is an important service sector in the overall structure of the national economy, playing a role in supporting, connecting, and promoting socio-economic development for the...

Vietnam has become one of the 29 Logistics Centers within the World Logistics Passport program

On the afternoon of March 1st, 2023, the World Logistics Passport program (WLP) collaborated with the Vietnam Logistics Service Business Association (VLA) and the Embassy of the United...

Vietnam - An attractive destination for Asia-Pacific logistics activities

(Chinhphu.vn) - The Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Trade believes that the growth rate of exports, imports, and e-commerce trade consistently remains in the double...

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